/ Author: SPF

Our clients wished to buy their dream home whilst also retaining their existing house and adding it to their investment property portfolio.

They had previously engaged directly with a number of lenders who were unable to accommodate their request and the clients then approached SPF to see how we may be able to help.

The client’s circumstances, and income streams, were complex but SPF was able to fully understand the situation and the clients strategy and structured a debt package which facilitated both the retention of the existing house and the purchase of their new home.

The existing portfolio of buy to let assets was funded across a number of lenders and a refinance, which brought the existing property into the mix and also secured improved rates without any repayment penalties, together with an appropriate level of equity release to part fund their contribution towards their new home, was arranged by SPF.

In addition, SPF was able to facilitate a 80% LTV mortgage enabling the clients to complete on the purchase of their dream home.
